Journal Club


[one_third]Journal Club Date:[/one_third] [two_third_last] Paper: [/two_third_last]

[one_third]In Queue[/one_third] [two_third_last] Eliav et al., Nonoscillatory Phase Coding and Synchronization in the Bat Hippocampal Formation, 175(4):1119-1130.e15 (2018). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]In Queue[/one_third] [two_third_last] Cayco-Gajic and Silver, Re-evaluating circuit mechanisms underlying pattern separation, Neuron, 101(4):584-602 (2019). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]04.19.19[/one_third] [two_third_last]Cardin, Snapshots of the brain in action: Local circuit operations through the lens of γ oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience 36(41),10496-10504 (2016) [/two_third_last]

[one_third]04.12.19[/one_third] [two_third_last] Jung et al.,  Remembering rewarding futures: A simulation-selection model of the hippocampus, Hippocampus 28(12):913-930 (2018). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]02.06.19[/one_third] [two_third_last]Xu et al., Assembly responses of hippocampal CA1 place cells predict learned behavior in goal-directed spatial tasks on the radial eight-arm maze. Neuron 101(1), 119-132 (2019) [/two_third_last]

[one_third]01.16.19[/one_third] [two_third_last]Drieu et al., Nested sequences of hippocampal assemblies during behavior support subsequent sleep replay. Science 362(6415), 675-679 (2018). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]12.05.18[/one_third] [two_third_last]Espinosa et al., Parvalbumin+ Interneurons obey unique connectivity rules and establish a powerful lateral-inhibition microcircuit in dentate gyrus. Nature Communications 9, 4605 (2018). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]03.07.17[/one_third] [two_third_last]Akam & Kullmann, Oscillatory multiplexing of population codes for selective communication in the mammalian brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 15, 111-122 (2014). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]02.27.17[/one_third] [two_third_last]Herreras, Local Field Potentials: Myths and Misunderstandings. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 10, (2016). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]02.20.17[/one_third] [two_third_last]Cole & Voytek, Brain Oscillations and the Importance of Waveform Shape. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 21, 137-149 (2017). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]01.30.17[/one_third] [two_third_last]Hutcheon & Yarom, Resonance, oscillation and the intrinsic frequency preferences of neurons. Trends in Neurosciences 23, 216-222 (2000). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]05.27.16[/one_third] [two_third_last]Kramer et al., Rhythm Generation through Period Concatenation in Rat Somatosensory Cortex. PLoS Computational Biology 4, e1000169 (2008). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]05.06.16[/one_third] [two_third_last]Whittington et al., Inhibition-based rhythms: experimental and mathematical observations on network dynamics. International Journal of Psychophysiology 38, 315-336 (2000). [/two_third_last]

[one_third]04.22.16 [/one_third] [two_third_last]Nolan et al., The race to learn: Spike timing and STDP can coordinate learning and recall in CA3. Hippocampus 21, 647-660 (2010).[/two_third_last]

[one_third]04.05.16[/one_third] [two_third_last]McNaughton & Morris, Hippocampal synaptic enhancement and information storage within a distributed memory system. Trends in Neurosciences 10, 408-415 (1987).[/two_third_last]