Lab Culture and Resources

Mentorship Statement:

Good mentorship and advocacy requires respect, trust, and continuous growth. I foster respect and trust through regular communication and meetings with my trainees to share experiences, troubleshoot setbacks, align expectations, and set goals. I consider both personal and professional priorities when developing concrete strategies with them to achieve their short-term and long-term goals, and re-evaluate expectations, goals, and strategies quarterly with them to ensure that they are appropriate. My trainees work collaboratively and in teams. This allows them to benefit from a diversity of perspective and understand responsibility and commitment to a group. I prioritize their individual growth and independence through the use of individual development plans (IDP), and by facilitating the successful presentation, publication, and promotion of their work in a way that recognizes their unique contributions. I continually grow my skills as a mentor and advocate by actively soliciting feedback and engaging in training programs. In this way, I aim to meet the evolving needs of my mentees.

Resources for Students: